
I am here to share my journey of learning with you.
A journey, filled with inquiries, wonderings, tensions and celebrations.
That's what learning is all about.

Math Inquiries in Kindergarten

Our inquiries into math have led us on a path of discovery that was engaging, sometimes challenging, nevertheless, meaningful and relevant to our learning. The number of opportunities that presented themselves to us learning math through authentic, meaningful and relevant learning engagements, provided a means for my students to deepen their understandings of math concepts, develop the skills needed for solving problems, become critical thinkers and acquire positive attitudes to learning.
Measuring plants, sorting and counting seeds, formulating questions for their surveys, gathering and presenting their findings, comparing numbers, constructing models using different shapes, etc are just some of the activities my students have engaged in. A lot of the math activities integrated well with our units of inquiry. This helped my students make connections with other areas of their learning.